Saturday, April 27, 2024

33. At Peace


Welcome to Amelia's Coastal Designs! They reached out to me via on Flickr to blog for them, and I was super excited! I never heard of them, and well the creator creates some pretty amazing coastal furniture, decor, and homes. If that's the vibe you are going for, then you should definitely check her out! 
This is the Sawgrass Club Chairs and Decor, everything is sold separately, but it is definitely worth it. You can easily add it to any room, or make it a cozy little nook in the corner. What I love, is that everything is really low prim! The entire set is 15 prims (not including my puppy from Rezz Room) so if you dont have a ton of prim allowance, this would be great for that.

 Sawgrass Club Chairs and Decor: Amelia's Coastal Designs and on Marketplace
Check them out on Facebook and also Flickr!


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

32. Relax, You're Home


Some of you may know, I have been waiting and waiting to blog for Why Not for a while now, and I FINALLY got the chance to do so! To find out about this over the weekend, really made my entire weekend in real life well worth it. I have been working really hard on my blogging, as I know some stores prefer to not have "newer" bloggers so to speak.

I just had to go and grab Why Not's Roughburn Lounge Set, which is over at the Sense Event. It has couples and singles animations with drinking props (which for us ladies, is always a plus if you know what I mean) and the Ottoman is also animated with male and female sits. It has a total land impact of 51 prims, with copy/mod permissions. The set does come soft link (which makes life easier sometimes) but you can always take away and add things of your so choosing if you prefer.

Make sure you head on over to the Sense Event before time runs out and grab this great lounger set to add to your home!

Roughburn Lounge Set: Why Not Home and Garden at the Sense Event
Shop Why Not on the Marketplace

Sunday, April 21, 2024

31. Game Over *Featuring- .FNY: Designs*


As everyone knows, Halloween, and everything kind of creepy is right up my alley. When I saw that FNY Designs has these Broken Arcade Games, AND The Horror Asylum Backdrop, you know those are both kind of right up my thing, and I had to pair them together. The Horror Asylum Backdrop is 67 land impact, and honestly, the detail on the backdrop is amazing. It even has a bed and a room (not pictured). The little details on this backdrop is just...I cant explain it honestly, it just looks so realistic. Now I know arcade games aren't even in an Asylum, so before coming at me for it, relax. The screens on the games are broken, and they are old, and for sure don't work. So in a way they DO go together...even if you don't think they do. Each game is either 5 or 4 land impact, so they really don't kill the land impact if that is something you are worried about. I threw some Asylum papers down on the floor because well...its abandoned, and that's kind of what happens...things get trashed when left along.

The Horror Asylum Backdrop: FNY DesignsMarketplace Store
Broken Arcade Games Fatpack: FNY DesignsMarketplace Store

Sunday, April 14, 2024

30. Sunday is a Funday! *Featuring-The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co, and Lush Poses*


I was TPing around this weekend for the weekend sales, and I came across this store called The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co. I mainly TPed there because they had a Taco Shirt out for their weekend sales, and if anyone knows me...Tacos is an inside joke between myself and Jasper. I mean our tags for each other has to do with Tacos. So I was looking around this cute little store, and figured...why not try to blog for's T-shirts, and since I reapplied to Lush Poses (which is now much MUCH more then just poses) I figured I can pair the stores together. Low and behold, here I am ☻
You can go ahead and grab this shirt at the WIP event, for just 50L, and heck, thats a steal of a price honestly! She rigs for all the popular body types, and even includes 5 standard size rigs for those who don't use mesh bodies....if that is still a thing.
I paired this with the Feeling Lucky Female Bento Pose Pack from Lush. It comes with 6 poses (12 if you include the mirror poses) and you can get the pose pack either in-store or on the marketplace.

Eat Me T-Shirt: The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co  
            April Round of WIP
Feeling Lucky Female Bento Pose Pack: Lush Poses Marketplace

Sunday, April 7, 2024

29. Let's Go Runaway and Hide *Featuring- Hisa, Simply Shelby, and LouChara Designs*


Lately, the amount of outdoor decor that I have seen, I swear my inventory is going to be more of a closet of outside decor. All I do lately is find things for my land that I want to put out, and sometimes I wonder just why Jasper puts up with my craziness. But with Jasper gone on another work trip, I figured I would drop this down on the land, and just go to town with this peaceful setup.
Lets start with Simply Shelby. There are a few things that I feel in love with. For the Home Decor Weekend Sales, they have out The Home Sweet Home Shack Set. Which comes with the shack, chairs, table, shutter angle. Tin Can Candle (on table), and tin can tomato plant. The next two, are Farmers Market Exclusives, which closes April 12th at noon, and that is the Bee House Honey Farm, and the Bee Welcome Sign (which for this event, is discounted to 50L, so grab it before the price goes up!) 
From LouChara Designs, I added in the Potted Spring Crocus. I thought that it added something to the shack that it didn't have, and it kinda evens it out with the tin can tomato plant on the opposite side of the shack. It also comes with the matching potted spring tulips, that aren't in the picture. Finally, surrounding the shack, I have the Aspen Tress from Hisa. Giving the shack a little bit of privacy, and a little more of a nature/forest feel. The Aspen trees come ready for summer, fall, and winter, so they are good for year-round use on your parcel.

Home Sweet Home Shack Set: Simply Shelby
Bee House Honey Farm: Farmers Market Exclusive! Simply Shelby
Bee Welcome Sign: Farmers Market Exclusive! Simply Shelby
Potted Spring Crocus: LouChara Designs
Aspen Trees: Hisa
Fawns and Bear Cub Eating Honeycomb: Jian

Saturday, April 6, 2024

28. A Hallway Can Be A Special Place *Featuring-Bloom!*

You know, I am definitely not going to lie. I have been in absolute love with everything that Bloom has put out lately, and I hated not be blogging because of RL, but thank goodness I still get to blog for this store. Anyways, this is the Aija Hallway Bench that Bloom currently has out, and you know, I just had to pair it with her Potted Tulips (right of the bench.)  The Nova Shelf Light, when in darker times gives of a soft glow of light, and just adds that special touch. I love how I was able to add an extra coat rack below it, to give the hallway more 'storage' since lets face it, closets arent even heard of in Secondlife for the most part. And honestly, I just really loved how this entire set turned out. Many people like to overthink hallways, but for me, its more of an entryway to your home, and tells me what kind of person you are. I love homes that have entryways and hallways done. I know its not always possible, but it just gives that extra something, and to me, its that special little added touch that I love very much.

Aija Hallway Bench: Bloom! Marketplace Store Facebook
Nova Shelf Light: Bloom! Marketplace Store Facebook

27. Relax the Weekend Away *Featuring- Bloom! and Bricolage*


So, I had this post all ready to go, and then well, I had a crazy week with my kids, with multiple kids with sporting events, my oldest had her practice SAT, and lets not start with my real life job. But this is why I love the weekend, I can really just relax, and that is what this reminds me off. Taking it slow, and enjoying the moment we have. The bright spring colors, making everything so much happier then those darker days of the winter blues. 
The Bloom! Gaella Sofa comes in both PG and Adult animations. This one is a recolor in the light Spring Blue, that I love. It gives the sofa a pop of color. I paired with the the Spring Pillows from Bricolage. With the wall mirror from Elm, with a little message to always 'knock em dead'

Gaelle Sofa: Bloom!Marketplace Store
Spring Pillow Set: Bricolage
Brinley Mirror: Elm.

33. At Peace

  Welcome to Amelia's Coastal Designs! They reached out to me via on Flickr to blog for them, and I was super excited! I never heard of ...